Landford Trees utilise standard third party cookies to obtain data about your behaviour online while you are on our site.
We track all information as a whole and do not collect any personal information on you as an individual.
The information we collect
We do not use any intrusive cookies on our site to collect your personnel information. We use industry standard cookies such as Google Analytics to track your behaviour online and gain statistical information at an aggregated level in the following ways, so we can improve our website and direct the user to the various pages:
- We track the number of visits to our website, where each visitor came from (i.e. the site visited prior to coming to our web site) and where each visitor goes to from our site (the next site visited after ours).
- We store a cookie on your PC for 6 Months which is linked to your IP address this allows us to track whether you return to our site.
If you do not wish us to track your cookie information you can set your browser to reject cookies, this may impact on your user experience on our site and restrict you from utilising certain site usage.
How to manage cookies
Our cookies do not store financial information or personnel information which is directly identifying you (such as your name or address). Cookies simply allow our website to retieve this information in order to track your experience. However, if you wish to restrict, block or delete cookies from – or any other website – you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is differentso check the “Help” menu of your particular browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.